Welcome to MasterMined

Welcome to MasterMined, your online portal for Momcraft, Minecraft Mission, and Coyote Gulch!

Here at MasterMined, we believe that learning is fun, video games can be harnessed for good, and that playing along with your kid’s passion can open up a whole new world in parenting.  We also just think Minecraft is good, plain fun.

MasterMined is the culmination of several smaller Minecraft projects by players VRFox (a writer), LearnedHappiness (a teacher), and UnknowingTea (a computer scientist).

All parents to Minecraft-aged children, these three Minecraft aficionados decided to take their love of the game and use it to bond with their children, teach mathematics, and motivate students.

When not tending to their kids or working their real jobs, you can find them sharing screenshots of their adventures over in the Momcraft Facebook Group.

Founder Photo